Noman Ameer التطبيقات

Islam vs Christianity 1.0
Noman Ameer
Islam Vs Christianity Will Describe about theDifference between Islam and Christianity.All topics like Place of worship, Scriptures, Life After Death,Practices, Literal Meaning, Belief Of God, GeographicalPredominance and much more about religion are covered in Islam VsChristianity.
SMS Caster 1.0
Noman Ameer
Now you can broadcast your SMS with SMS Casterin three ways at current and future time with a powerful feature ofbroadcast SMS in background service. So that, you can perform othertask on your phone.1. Auto generate series2. Predefined List3. Phone Book1. In Auto Generate Series mean you only require Network and CityCode. Application will broadcast SMS on ten thousand numbers inseries by its own.For Example you only give +92321682 and application will generatenumbers +923216820000 to +923326829999. This feature is very usefulfor marketing purpose.2. You can make your own lists of your choice and you can broadcastSMS on you selected list.3. You can broadcast your SMS on your Phone Book.All these features of broadcasting SMS help you to broadcast SMS infuture time. You can set desire time for broadcast SMS like onspecial events like Christmas or Easter or Eid or Divali orlaunching date of your product etc.Features:• Control the Delay time between SMS sends• Longer Messages automatically deliver in multiple SMS• Broadcast to Auto generated series.• You can make multiple lists.• Broadcast to your desire list at a time.• Broadcast SMS to your whole Phonebook.• Broadcast SMS to multiple numbers• Future Time Broadcasting• You can View, Edit and Delete future SMS• You can Forward inbox SMS to any person, list or Phonebook
Talking Sms 1.0
Noman Ameer
Descriptions:Note: For more intersting feature please download our SmsTalking 1.1Talking SMS is one of the best Unique Appliction. Talking SMS is anappliction in which youcan speak every thing you write text.It is also get all SMS frominbox and then speak complete SMS.Features:1). You can Select your Desired SMS from the List and listenit.2). You can write any type of text and listen complete SMS.3). It is Effective and Efficient.4). Application which reduced time.5). Make Relax and flexible for human being.In order to give you a free app and keep developing more free appsin the future, we are integrating a search tool to our application.This will add a few access points to your device (hence thepermissions) to direct you to the web search service. Pleaseconsider using the search to help us keep creating apps. You maydelete the search icon, bookmark and homepage easily. Thankyou.
Kids Let's Learn Free 3.1
Noman Ameer
Have you been waiting for the perfecteducational play? Here it comes Kids Lets Learn. is a learning appwhere your kids can play with all Alphabets, numbers, shapes andrhymes. The Perfect app for your little one’s learningexperience.This game is developed under the research team that researched on500 students with their behaviour and childhood phenomenon.Every parent knows that there is nothing kids like to play withmore than phones. Kids Let’s Learn is not just fun it is also theperfect app for helping your child to learn his or her Alphabets,numbers, shapes and different rhymes. The vibrant colors and easyto use touch screen create an experience that is exciting andeducational for your child.It haves animated Alphabetic Balls for child interest to play.Selecting Alphabet to learn the ABC. By selecting Alphabate, achild can hear sound of Alphabate with phonetics, that will helpchild to learn ABC with the actual sounds.Feature• It’s Perfect for littlest learners• An Amazing Exploration of Everyday Objects• Everything from Apple to Zoo, 0 to 20, Basic Shapes andRhymes• Fun for all kidsWhat’s inside:Interactive Alphabets and numbers fly on screen with soundNumbers---- Fun to learn digitsSing along to the alphabets/ABC SongKids all time favorite rhymes
Tic Tac 3D 3.0
Noman Ameer
Tic Tac 3d is both for children and elders. InTic Tac 3d Both Single Player and Double player can play. Tic Tac3d has artificial intelligent code for single player.Every One will enjoy with Tic Tac 3D. Tic Tac is world wide playinggame and now it is introducing with great graphics and ininteresting way.Play Tic Tac 3D and enjoy.
Enfants Apperntissage Libre 1.2.1
Noman Ameer
Avez-vous attendu le jeu éducatif parfait ?Ici il vient les Gamins Laissent Apprennent. est un apprentissageapp où vos gamins peuvent jouer avec tous les Alphabets, lesnombres, les formes et les vers. App Parfait pour votre petite sonexpérience d'apprentissage.Ce jeu est développé sous l'équipe de recherche qui a exploré sur500 étudiants avec leur behariour et le phénomène d'enfance.Chaque parent sait qu'il n'y a rien les gamins aiment jouer avecplus que les téléphones. Les Gamins qu'Apprenons sont non seulementamusants c'est aussi app parfait pour aider votre enfant àapprendre ses Alphabets, nombres, formes et différents vers. Lescouleurs pleines de vie et facile d'utiliser l'écran de contactcréent une expérience qui est excitante et éducative pour votreenfant.Il les riches a animé des Boules Alphabétiques pour l'intérêtd'enfant de jouer. Le Choix de l'Alphabet pour apprendrel'alphabet. En choisissant Alphabate, un enfant peut entendre leson d'Alphabate avec la phonétique, qui aidera l'enfant à apprendrel'alphabet avec les sons réels.Caractéristique• c'est Parfait pour les apprentis littlest• une Exploration Stupéfiante d'Objets Quotidiens• Tout de la Pomme au Zoo, 0 à 20, les Formes Fondamentales et lesVers• l'Amusement pour tous les gaminsCe qui est à l'intérieur :Les Alphabets Interactifs et les nombres volent sur l'écran avec lesonLes nombres----l'Amusement pour apprendre les chiffresChantez le long à la Chanson d'alphabets/ALPHABETGamins tous les vers de préféré de temps
Kids Let's Learn 1.0
Noman Ameer
Have you been waiting for the perfecteducational play? Here it comes Kids Lets Learn. is a learning appwhere your kids can play with all Alphabets, numbers, shapes andrhymes. The Perfect app for your little one’s learningexperience.This game is developed under the research team that researched on500 students with their behariour and childhood phenomenon.Every parent knows that there is nothing kids like to play withmore than phones. Kids Let’s Learn is not just fun it is also theperfect app for helping your child to learn his or her Alphabets,numbers, shapes and different rhymes. The vibrant colors and easyto use touch screen create an experience that is exciting andeducational for your child.It haves animated Alphabetic Balls for child interest to play.Selecting Alphabet to learn the ABC. By selecting Alphabate, achild can hear sound of Alphabate with phonetics, that will helpchild to learn ABC with the actual sounds.Feature• It’s Perfect for littlest learners• An Amazing Exploration of Everyday Objects• Everything from Apple to Zoo, 0 to 20, Basic Shapes andRhymes• Fun for all kidsWhat’s inside:Interactive Alphabets and numbers fly on screen with soundNumbers---- Fun to learn digitsSing along to the alphabets/ABC SongKids all time favorite rhymes
Enfants Apprentissage Francais 1.2.1
Noman Ameer
Avez-vous attendu le jeu éducatif parfait ?Ici il vient les Gamins Laissent Apprennent. est un apprentissageapp où vos gamins peuvent jouer avec tous les Alphabets, lesnombres, les formes et les vers. App Parfait pour votre petite sonexpérience d'apprentissage.Ce jeu est développé sous l'équipe de recherche qui a exploré sur500 étudiants avec leur behariour et le phénomène d'enfance.Chaque parent sait qu'il n'y a rien les gamins aiment jouer avecplus que les téléphones. Les Gamins qu'Apprenons sont non seulementamusants c'est aussi app parfait pour aider votre enfant àapprendre ses Alphabets, nombres, formes et différents vers. Lescouleurs pleines de vie et facile d'utiliser l'écran de contactcréent une expérience qui est excitante et éducative pour votreenfant.Il les riches a animé des Boules Alphabétiques pour l'intérêtd'enfant de jouer. Le Choix de l'Alphabet pour apprendrel'alphabet. En choisissant Alphabate, un enfant peut entendre leson d'Alphabate avec la phonétique, qui aidera l'enfant à apprendrel'alphabet avec les sons réels.Caractéristique• c'est Parfait pour les apprentis littlest• une Exploration Stupéfiante d'Objets Quotidiens• Tout de la Pomme au Zoo, 0 à 20, les Formes Fondamentales et lesVers• l'Amusement pour tous les gaminsCe qui est à l'intérieur :Les Alphabets Interactifs et les nombres volent sur l'écran avec lesonLes nombres----l'Amusement pour apprendre les chiffresChantez le long à la Chanson d'alphabets/ALPHABETGamins tous les vers de préféré de temps
Kinder Lernen 1.2
Noman Ameer
Heb je gewacht voor de perfecte educatievespelen? Hier komt het Kids Leren. is een lerende app waar uwkinderen kunnen spelen met alle letters, cijfers, vormen enrijmpjes. De perfecte app voor je kleintje leerervaring.Preschool learning game is ontwikkeld onder het onderzoeksteam datonderzocht op 500 studenten met hun behariour en jeugdfenomeen.Iedere ouder weet dat er niets kinderen graag spelen met meer dantelefoons. Kinderen Leren is niet alleen leuk het is ook deperfecte app voor het helpen van uw kind om zijn of haarAlfabetten, cijfers, vormen en verschillende versjes leren doormiddel van de beste kinderspelen. De levendige kleuren engemakkelijk te gebruiken touch screen zorgen voor een ervaring dieis spannend en leerzaam voor uw kind.Het haves geanimeerde Alfabetisch Ballen voor kinderen interessantom te spelen. Selecteren alfabet aan het ABC te leren. Door hetselecteren van Alphabate, een kind kan geluid van Alphabate horenmet fonetiek, die zullen helpen kind om ABC te leren met dedaadwerkelijke geluiden.kenmerken• Het is perfect voor kleinste leerlingen• Een schitterende verkenning van alledaagse voorwerpen• Alles van Apple om Zoo, 0 tot 20, Basisvormen en Rhymes• Plezier voor alle kinderenWat zit er in:Interactieve Alfabetten en aantallen vliegen op het scherm metgeluidGetallen ---- Leuk om cijfers te lerenZing mee met de alfabetten / ABC SongKids all time favoriete rijmpjes
SMS Speaker 1.0
Noman Ameer
Descriptions:SMS Speaker is one of the best Unique Appliction. SMS Speaker is anappliction in which youcan speak every thing you write text.SMS Speaker is also get allSMS from inbox and then speak complete select the speed as your desired in this application. You canselect pitch rate as you desired. Speaker SMSis such type of application that allows multiple languages areallowed to speak.Features:1). SMS Speaker application Retrives all SMS from Inbox.2). You can Select your Desired SMS from the List and listenit.3). You can write any type of text and listen complete SMS.4). Select speed for listenening SMS or Simple text.5). Select Pitch as you desired. (Male Voice , Female Voice ,childern Voice)6). SMS Speaker is Effective and Efficient.7). Application which reduced time.8). Make Relax and flexible for human being.
Kinder Lernen Gratis 1.2
Noman Ameer
Haben Sie nach dem perfekten pädagogischeSpiel gewartet? Hier kommt es Chuildren Learning. ist einLernprozess App, wo Ihre Kinder mit allen Alphabete, Zahlen, Formenund Reime spielen können. The Perfect App für Ihre KleinenLernerfahrung.Preschool Learning Spiel wird unter dem Forschungsteam, das auf 500Schüler mit ihren behariour und Kindheit Phänomen erforschtentwickelt.Alle Eltern wissen, dass es nichts gibt Kinder gerne mit mehr alsHandys spielen. Kids lernen wir nicht nur Spaß es ist auch dieperfekte App für Ihrem Kind helfen, seine oder ihre Alphabete,Zahlen, Formen und verschiedenen Reime zu lernen. Die leuchtendenFarben und einfach zu bedienenden Touchscreen erstellen eineErfahrung, die spannend und lehrreich für Ihr Kind ist.Kinder-Spiel haves animierte Alphabetische Balls für Kinderinteressant zu spielen. Auswahl Alphabet, um die ABC lernen. Durchdie Auswahl Alphabate, kann ein Kind Klang Alphabate mit Phonetikhören, die Ihnen helfen Kind ABC mit den eigentlichen Klänge zulernen.Feature• Es ist perfekt für littlest Lernenden• An Amazing Exploration von Alltagsgegenständen• Alles aus Apple Zoo, 0 bis 20, Basic Shapes and Rhymes• Fun für alle KinderWas ist drin:Interactive Alphabets und Zahlen fliegen auf dem Bildschirm mitSoundNumbers ---- Fun Ziffern lernenMitsingen der Alphabete / ABC SongKids all time favorite Reime
Sms Talking 1.1
Noman Ameer
Descriptions:Talking SMS is one of the best Unique Appliction. Talking SMS is anappliction in which youcan speak every thing you write text.It is also get all SMS frominbox and then speak complete SMS.Features:1). You can Select your Desired SMS from the List and listenit.2). You can write any type of text and listen complete SMS.3). It is Effective and Efficient.4). Application which reduced time.5). Make Relax and flexible for human being.In order to give you a free app and keep developing more free appsin the future, we are integrating a search tool to our application.This will add a few access points to your device (hence thepermissions) to direct you to the web search service. Pleaseconsider using the search to help us keep creating apps. You maydelete the search icon, bookmark and homepage easily. Thankyou.
Mind Reader 3.0
Noman Ameer
Mind Reader is a game for both childrenandelders. In Mind Reader the magic of mathematical calculationisused. Mind Reader can read your mind, what you choose ingivenlist. Mind Reader uses symbols and numbers for which aperson'sinterest is making more and more.
Income Expense Analyzer 1.0
Noman Ameer
This application is supported foricecreamsandwitch and heighr versions.1) This application is income and expanse recoder andanalyzer.2) You can record your daily income and expense in applicationandcan view your income and expence in list form and graph .3) Default Pin code for Income Expense Analyzer is “00000.4) After Login, You have to Change Your Pin code and Add YourCellNo for Recovery Option.5) Password protection: you can protect your data fromunauthorizedaccess (set password)6) If you forget your pin code then the message will be Send onyourgiven number that you have added.7) Sort your transactions by date, amount, title or category.8) Create Your Categories For Incomes and Expenses.9) Add Your Daily Expenses and Incomes in those Categories thatyoucreated.10) Check Daily or Monthly Reports for Incomes or Expenses.11) The graphical overview is perfect for planning yourexpensesover the upcoming of months.12) Analyze Your Monthly Saving or Expenses By Chart.13) 3.Reports for outcome\income for day\week\month\year plustheirdetalization (up to categories)14) Analyze Your Budget.15) keywords: wallet, money manager, income, outcome,expenses,money, finance, calculator
SIM Information System 1.0
Noman Ameer
Description:SIM information system provide the facility to the users thattheymust know about its Country operator name, SIM number, networkIdand etc and also send this information to other numbers .SIM information system provides the facility to the user to getinfoabout their SIM and Mobile Serial number and also sendthisinformation to other numbers. You can write yourself or pickfromphone book and can send the information.
Puzzle Alarm 3.1
Noman Ameer
Puzzle Alarm is for those person who wantstoget up at given time but they simply turn off the alarm andagaingo to sleep.Puzzle Alarm will give you captcha so that your mind becomefullyalert. After solving the captcha Alarm will turn off.Alarm Clock are meant to do to wake up.But Our Mind is in Suchstatethat we simply turn off alarm or simply snooze.This alarmWake youup in true sense.It basically Show a simple Captcha andyou have tosolve this captcha to stop the alarm
Jokes Poetry Quotes SMS 4.2
Noman Ameer
Jokes,Quotes,Poetry is One ofBestEntertainment Application .Enjoy life withthisentertainment.You can get many unique funny jokes, admirable quotes, andeverytype of poetry from it.Entertainment is the necessary part in human beings. you cansendSMS quote, SMS Jokes and SMS Poetry separatelyafter selecting from the list.Features:1). You can send SMS from your Inbox.2). You can read poetry,joke, and Quotes and feelflexibility.3). You can select pool of jokes, Qutes and poetry fromthelist.4). You can Add some thing more as you desired intothisentertainment.5). you can send every type of Poetry via SMS.6). You can send admireable Quotes via SMS.7). You can send Funny and delicious Jokes via SMS.8). You can send this into your desired contacts.9). It is More Efficient and very much Effective.10). Very much time Saving.11). Entertainment is the safest best in the world.
Islamic Namic Meanings 1.0
Noman Ameer
Islamic name meanings shows yournamemeanings.In a very different and glorious styleIn Islamic name meanings you can get your personality aboutyourname history from different servers for achievingmaximumopportunity for finding your name meaning.In Islamic name meanings you can share your name meaningsandpersonality on Facebook and Twitter.
Funny Images 3.4
Noman Ameer
Funny Pictures app shows thousands offunnypictures with new and user friendly style.In Funny pictures App you can share any picture on social mediaLikeFacebook and Twitter.In Funny Pictures App You can save image in you device.In Funny Pictures App You can set your image as a desktop.
Love Luck 4.1
Noman Ameer
Love Luck has two portions. LoveLuckcalculates about your Daily Love Luck in Percentage. BygettingYour Name and Date of Birth.Love Luck calculates your soul mate integration percentagebygetting your and your Soul Mate's Name, Mother Name and DateofBirth.Love Luck Applies Numerology and calculates accuratepercentageabout any persons.
SMS Caster Free 1.0
Noman Ameer
Now you can Broadcast your SMS with SMSCasterin three ways at current and future time with a powerfulfeature ofbroadcast SMS in background service. So that, you canperform othertask on your phone.1. Auto generate series2. Predefined List3. Phone Book1. In Auto Generate Series mean you only require Network andCityCode. Application will broadcast SMS on ten thousand numbersinseries by its own.For Example you only give +92321682 and application willgeneratenumbers +923216820000 to +923326829999. This feature isvery usefulfor marketing purpose.2. You can make your own lists of your choice and you canbroadcastSMS on you selected list.3. You can broadcast your SMS on your Phone Book.All these features of broadcasting SMS help you to broadcast SMSinfuture time. You can set desire time for broadcast SMS likeonspecial events like Christmas or Easter or Eid or Divaliorlaunching date of your product etc.Features:• Control the Delay time between SMS sends• Longer Messages automatically deliver in multiple SMS• Broadcast to Auto generated series.• You can make multiple lists.• Broadcast to your desire list at a time.• Broadcast SMS to your whole Phonebook.• Broadcast SMS to multiple numbers• Future Time Broadcasting• You can View, Edit and Delete future SMS• You can Forward inbox SMS to any person, list or Phonebook
Realistic Piano 1.0
Noman Ameer
Description:Realistic Piano is a musical piano. you can generate yourowntones from can play it and enjoy music.Features:1). Heart touching music.2). Fun and joy with it.3). Grab Environment with play piano.
Flutter Wedding App UI 1.0.0
Noman Ameer
This is not a complete app. It is an UI/UX demo for Envato ThemeStore users.
Auto Attendance 2.0
Noman Ameer
It provides secure and fast way to mark attendance without networkconnection.
Easy Budget 1.0.4
Noman Ameer
For managing your income and Expenses multiuser.
Game Treasure Pack 0.2
Noman Ameer
Game Treasure Pack includes Wood Cutter, Beat em Up, Stack Breaker
Auto Parts App UI 1.0.0
Noman Ameer
Auto Parts APP UI/UX as an app template
ELMS Teacher App 1.0
Noman Ameer
To manage all academics activities by this mobile app
CAS ELMS 3.0.4
Noman Ameer
cas(center for advance solution) management system.
ELMS Student App 6.0
Noman Ameer
ELMS Student App to manage all academic activities on androiddevice